• G. Feng, C. Heiselman, J. G. Quirk, and P. M. Djurić, "Cardiotocography analysis by empirical dynamic modeling and Gaussian processes,'' Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology-Biosensors and Biomolecular Electronics, 12;10:1057807, 2023.
  • G. Feng, C. Heiselman, J. G. Quirk, and P. M. Djurić, "Fetal heart rate analysis with Gaussian processes,'' in Innovative Technologies and Signal Processing in Perinatal Medicine, Eds. D. Pani, C. Rabotti, M. G. Signorini, and L. Burattini, Springer, 2023.
  • T. Chen, G. Feng, C. Heiselman, J. G. Quirk, and P. M. Djurić, "Fetal heart rate analysis from a multi-task learning perspective with Gaussian processes,'' Proceedings of the European Signal Processing Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 2023.
  • T. Chen, G. Feng, C. Heiselman, J. G. Quirk, and P. M. Djurić, "Characterizing fetal heart rate from a state space perspective,'' Proceedings of the European Signal Processing Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, 2022.
  • L.Yang, C. Heiselman, J. G. Quirk, and P. M. Djurić, "Unsupervised clustering and analysis of contraction-dependent fetal heart rate segments,'' Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Singapore, 2022.
  • T. Chen, G. Feng, C. Heiselman, J. G. Quirk, and P. M. Djurić, "Improving phase-rectified signal averaging for fetal heart rate analysis,'' Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Singapore, 2022.
  • M. Ajirak, C. Heiselman, J. G. Quirk, and P. M. Djurić, "Boost ensemble learning for classification of CTG signals,'' Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Singapore, 2022.
  • L. Yang, M. Ajirak, C. Heiselman, J. G. Quirk, and P. M. Djurić, "Unsupervised detection of anomalies in fetal heart rate tracings using phase space reconstruction,'' Proceedings of the European Signal Processing Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 2021.
  • L. Yang, C. Heiselman, J. G. Quirk, and P. M. Djurić, "Class-imbalances classifiers using ensembles of Gaussian processes and Gaussian process latent variable models,'' Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Toronto, Canada, 2021.
  • L. Yang, C. Heiselman, J. G. Quirk, and P. M. Djurić, "Identification of uterine contractions by an ensemble of Gaussian processes,'' Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Toronto, Canada, 2021.
  • G. Feng, J. G. Quirk, and P. M. Djurić, "Discovering causalities from cardiotocography signals using improved convergent cross mapping with Gaussian processes, "Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Barcelona, Spain, 2020.
  • G. Feng, C. Heiselman, G. Quirk, and P. M. Djurić, "Estimation of consecutively missed samples in fetal heart rate recordings,'' Proceedings of the European Signal Processing Conference, Amsterdam, Holland, 2020.
  • A. Georgieva, P. Abry, V. Chudáček, P. M. Djurić, M. G. Frasch, R. Kok, C. A. Lear, S. N. Lemmens, I. Nunes, A. T. Papageorghiou, J. G. Quirk, C. W. G Redman, B. Schifrin, J. Spilka, A. Ugwumadu, and R. Vullings, "Computer-based intrapartum fetal monitoring and beyond: A review of the 2nd Workshop on Signal Processing and Monitoring in Labor (Oct 2017, Oxford UK),'' Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, https://doi.org/10.1111/aogs.13639, 2019.
  • G. Feng, J. G. Quirk,  and P. M. Djurić, "Inference about causality from cardiotocography signals using Gaussian processes,'' Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2019.
  • G. Feng, J. G. Quirk, and  P. M. Djurić, "Detecting causality using deep Gaussian processes,''  Proceedings of the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 2019.
  • G. Feng, J. G. Quirk, and  P. M. Djurić, "Extracting interpretable features for fetal heart rate recordings with Gaussian processes,'' Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-sensor Adaptive Processing, 2019.
  • G. Feng, J. G. Quirk, and P. M. Djurić, ''Supervised and unsupervised learning of fetal heart rate tracings with deep Gaussian processes,'' Proceedings of Neural Networks and Applications, 2018.