The Fetal Heart Rate data were collected between January 1, 2018, and December 31, 2020, and they include deliveries at Stony Brook University Hospital. The data have been de-identified with random person and encounter IDs. The birth dates of the mothers, as well as other dates and times (for procedures, labs, diagnoses, and children's procedures and labs), have been randomized.

The release contains:
- data dictionary (describes every table in the structured database and their attributes): Dictionary.xlsx
- the structured database (~100MB in .csv files following the structure described in the data dictionary):
- FHR signals for all mothers (~13GB, contains a folder with the person ID for each mother with FHR .csv files for every encounter named with the encounter ID, date and time):

For any questions or comments, please contact Dr. Paul Fodor at email address below:
pfodor at cs dot stonybrook dot edu